Our Services
Consulting & Care Management:
- Confidential in-home assessment of your individual situation and unique needs
- Review and explanation of available community services, related costs and payment options
- Research, referral and coordination of community resources
- Representation and personal assistance in paperwork, interviews, and applications for services (i.e. ALTCS, Veteran's Administration, etc)
- Prescreening and inspection, analysis, and tour arrangements of appropriate facilities
- Continuous follow-ups and review of care arrangements as needed
- Coordination of transportation services
- Management of family dynamics - balance independence, with safety and care concerns, weigh choices, ease transitions relieve anxiety
- Provide reality check and process evaluation
- Negotiate "best case" solutions for all parties
- Caregiver support, personalized one-on-one or group training
- Arizona Licensed Fiduciary. I can be appointed as your local Healthcare Power of Attorney, Guardian, Conservator, Agent or Representative Payee
- Provide financial management and coordination of:
Bill paying, bank account reconciliation, insurance processing, taxes, financial and legal services - Emergency support - 24 hour emergency support for clients
- Advocacy and intervention services
- Customized presentations for large and small groups
- Informal question and answer sessions
- Support group facilitation
- Personalized training and education for caregivers
Eldercare Research & Consulting, Inc.
Lyndi Anderson, M.P.A.
P.O. Box 36180
Tucson, AZ 85740
Lyndi Anderson, M.P.A.
P.O. Box 36180
Tucson, AZ 85740